Work Based Learning (Co-Op)

Work-Based Learning provides students with educational opportunities that typically cannot be replicated in the classroom.  Work-based experiences are designed to connect information learned in the classroom with skills obtained in an occupational setting as an apprentice or intern. Work-based learning promotes improved skills, higher efficiency and the availability of a better-trained labor pool that encourages business growth and productivity. Well-managed work-based learning experiences build confidence in the school system and have benefits for the student, employer, mentor, school, and community.

Teacher Coordinators

Mrs. Anita Kinsey – Room B107

Mrs. Kristy Johnson – Room B108

Student Requirements

  • All 11th and 12th grade students interested in taking Co-Op during 3rd and/or 4th block must have the required application completed and turned in ASAP.

Co-Op Application

  • All students are required to have dependable transportation and a place of employment (internship or apprenticeship).
  • Please email a coordinator if you have any questions.
  • An information sheet is attached to explain how Work Based Learning/ Co-Op students earn their grade.

WBLCo-Op Information

*Google Classroom codes will be provided by a coordinator. Please check your school email for an invitation to join the Work-Based Learning Google Classroom group.